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5 Tips Every Hunting Newbie Should Know

September 22, 2023

Hunting is a very popular pastime that has been around for as long as man has walked the Earth. According to Statista, the U.S. hunting and trapping market should generate more than $848 million in economic activity in 2023. If you are new to hunting and planning to do more than hang out at a hunting lodge this upcoming deer season or at any other time, here are five tips that every hunting newbie should know.

1. Wear Hunter's Orange

It is very important to make yourself visible to other hunters while you are hunting. You also should do your best to make yourself visible if a search-and-rescue team is trying to find you. Wearing hunter's orange clothing will do both!

2. Get Permission to Hunt on Private Land

Many of the best hunting grounds are on private land where most of the wild game is located. Yet, most hunters are on public land, which greatly increases hunting pressure and the potential for an accidental shooting or other mishap. A hunting lodge might have available private land for you to hunt, but you must get permission to legally and safely hunt on property owned by someone else.

3. Take a Hunter Safety Refresher Course

Most states require successful completion of an approved hunter safety class before you can get a hunting license. If it's been a while since you completed your last safety class, you should retake it to improve your knowledge and safety. Even experienced hunters should complete a class every few years to stay informed on the latest legal developments that affect hunting.

4. Don't Drink and Hunt

A hunting lodge might have a bar nearby where hunters gather after a long day in the woods. Many hunters also stock up on beer and liquor for their annual hunting trips with friends. You shouldn't drink while you are hunting because of the increased likelihood of a deadly hunting accident.

5. Know What You Are Shooting

You never should pull the trigger unless you know what you are shooting and where the bullet, slug, or shot will go. Many hunters are shot accidentally by people who don't identify the target. A rifle bullet or shotgun slug travels a long distance. You need to make sure the bullet has a good backstop, like the side of a hill.

You can call to schedule a stay at our
hunting lodge and learn about nearby hunting opportunities. Call us at G2 Ranch today!

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